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What are crypto whales buying?

Crypto bargains: How to see what crypto whales are buying? Crypto whales, the elite group of individuals holding vast amounts of cryptocurrencies, are starting to see the bearish market as an opportunity to purchase crypto bargains. Investors often look towards whales as signs for wider market trends.

What is a bitcoin whale?

A bitcoin whale is term in the cryptocurrency world used to refer to individuals or entities that hold large amounts of bitcoin. From the point of view of blockchain and its core decentralized feature, bitcoin whales cause concern, as the situation could lead to a small number of people having controlling power over the cryptocurrency.

What is $whale and how does it work?

The community since founding has been made up of notable people in the crypto art space. $WHALE was launched on May 18, 2020 as an Ethereum ERC20 token with the aim to allow anyone and everyone to become a whale through $WHALE.

Can whales crush you?

The moves made by whales can cause waves and if you are careful enough, you can ride them also and make some profit. But just as easily, a whale can crush you, so you have to be very cautious.

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